Friday, December 9, 2016

Narc Foreshadowing = Deflection and Crazy Making

I refer to "narc speak" a lot.  It's how they get joy of "sharing" what they are ACTUALLY doing while deflecing the attention somewhere else. Always remember a magician...

 I shake my head as it physically hurts to think about to try and understand HOW in the hell someone can keep track of all of these "stories" and "people" involved. It is "character" based. 

 Let's say I am talking about my friend "A" I am speaking about ONE person in ONE body.

  Roll with me because this SHOULD confuse anyone.  ***THEIR friend "A" may represent more than one person... the actual, another person who they do not want you to know, and I think but am not completely sure possibly themselves.  ***Exchanging a male name for a female. ***The "mistress" will be assigned a different name but the referenced person will possess the same "role" or character traits as the person YOU actually know...

Here is why... They HAVE to gloat and tell you what they are doing to allow THEM to know they are getting one over on you. 

 I personally am not going to care if his mother buys him a bunch of stuff or he goes somewhere with a friend... Hint: Lies.  Mother = who really bought the stuff.  Friend= who they were really with.

 This is the simple version as the longer it goes the more twisted and thick this "performance" and "cast of characters" becomes.

 The "script"... wow.  Once you are knowledgeable of how they operate, you can learn "where they are going" with their new story versions... All to feign innocence.

 I know how the "story" has changed and constantly does due to one thing said about a certain possible "blame target"... it's ALL about deflection.

 They TELL you and then get upset that you figured it out... BUT, they can NOT stand not to tell you.   

"Those were just coincidences"... BIG NOTE: With Narcopaths there are NO coincidences.

 If I have not been discussed (have not talked about me to anyone) then "everyone" should NOT know what I was called ONLY inside the house... because "anyone" could have made that their user ID somehow tied to my e-mail... nope, doesn't match.

 Every time I ended it and started talking to anyone else, it was NOT a coincidence they knew and love bombing started again before I could get involved with anyone.

If I was "told" BEFORE something happened, not a coincidence.  If you can tell me via "character delfection" after something happens, not a coincidence.

This is a very brief description of one of their games at the time used to get away with whatever they are doing and when you finally "get it", it's crazy making 101.

That is why it gets worse AFTER it's over... Ass covering 101. 

 Don't EVER think they don't know exactly what they are doing. This is how you wind up a "victim"... This is circuit overlaod for anyone who doesn't think in order to deceive.


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