That would be a correct description to a point with me.
It's a double edged sword in the "abuse arena". I'm not your "typical" abuse victim, BUT, I do have a long history of giving the men in my life too many chances...
"Alpha females don't run in packs"... That is true.
I have been always fully capable of taking up for myself and handling my own business. I do not need an audience, I do not need a "fan club". I can back up my own shit.
No where in my "manual" does it say I am required to tolerate anything I deem "not okay" for my own life.
Please do not get this confused with any "super human" abilities I do not possess. I was blindsided by a "pack" in a game I do not even pretend to understand.
One thing I do know is a "pack" is aware of it's position. They know they can't fight fair, so they must out number and from my experience, in a very immature and passive aggressive manner...
Yes. "keyboard warriors" come to mind.
They post as other people. They will post as you and message as you. These are packs of fools who are getting attention they so seek and loving that they are able to con the blind masses.
If you can't approach your PERCEIVED rival in person, you have no position other than chaos causing and shit stirring.
Look for these "ladies" on social media... ALWAYS tagging friends in to a shitty comment where they are depicting themselves as a "bad ass" or a "boss" of some sort.
This is "Cluster B". These fools have NO boundaries.
They can not stand alone and will attack anyone with a vengeance they PERCEIVE as a threat in their very delusional and fantasy set world.
They are attention seekers to the core who hide behind faux concerns, illness, and causes. The internet and social media gave these kind an absolute prime playground to carry out their insanity.
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