Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Narcissism vs. Narcissistic Personality Disorder made SIMPLE

I have been an avid observer of family dynamics, psychology, and what makes people tick for the majority of my life.  This is due to being crowned #1 scapegoat in a constant state of "WTF"...

   I am not a fan of "by the book"... "clinical"

 Just like googling physical illness and coming up with everything from a common cold to kidney failure, psychology and the DSM are no different.

 I know a great deal of people from every single walk of life.

  I know people who you would certainly call narcissistic. From a "personal" point of view, that is "asshole syndrome" and really none of anyone's business.

 You may choose to be around them or not. 

 They may cause you to feel like shit and maybe do shitty things.

 There is a VERY clear cut line between the two and it is very simple.  INTENT.  Repeat this again. INTENT.  We have all hurt others not meaning to.

 Hopefully for the majority of us, this is an awful feeling.  

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder fully plan without any care of the target to HARM.  It is PREMEDITATED.

  These people will stoop lower than you can fathom. 

 From my experience, it's the LEAST obvious. Another repeat.  LEAST OBVIOUS.  Someone who just a narcissistic asshole is just that.  Someone who is EVIL and under the radar MUST wear a "mask" to deceive... and that can be those in the professions to help and heal because they get off on it.

 I am very tired of reading ... "Well, is this person borderline, histronic, etc..." Who gives a shit??? 

 You don't like them, remove yourself.  Simple.

  This minimizes a very serious and dangerous problem.

 I'm keeping this simple because when you are in REAL danger vs. hurt feelings "who is what so I can fix them or mend our relationship" is a different matter entirely.

 Someone who will PURPOSELY cause harm without any remorse will kill you if they can. Period.

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